Uh Oh! This was awkward to watch. Jay paused not once, not twice, but 3 times before he let the hook ride out! Damn is Jay-z getting to old to rap?! You be the judge and watch below!

LMAO is all I can say about this snippet! I can’t wait to hear what Kev has to say in response! The BET Hip Hop awards airs on Tuesday October 15th on BET at 8pm!

Damn Ross, tell em how you really feel! If you can’t wait like I couldn’t to hear what he had to say, just skip to 3:40!

Marina Shifrin creatively quit her job on YouTube. No, she didn’t work at YouTube. She made a video and uploaded it on YouTube for her boss and the world to see. Check it out below. LIKE Us On Facebook HOT 107.9 Philly       Queen Latifah along with 14 million other people, saw the […]

Listen I liked to have flipped my lid watching this video!  It’s everything!  Creative and there is a message in the song and the video.  The song is called “Golden Salvation” and Wale says this about the message, “The message in this video is clear as day.  Had it been released when ‘fans’ cared bout […]

I know sometimes we all get stagefright but this is crazy!  Please just watch!

Imagine coming out of your house at 4am and there is someone taking pictures of you?! Welcome to Kanye West’s world! I have to side with Kanye on this one. I can’t even imagine having this happen on a daily basis. Especially at 4 in the morning! After watching this video you might be on […]

How funny does this movie look?! Why was Kevin Hart Dressed like a stripper?!

You can’t blame everything on Sam! Or can you?! Check out the hilarious video below!

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Actress Sonja Sohn of “The Wire” talks with Roland Martin about the positive influence African American entertainers can have on the community. She urges today’s culture drivers…