“Patience attains everything it strives for.” -Anon It’s natural to feel anxious about something you really want, but it’s still important to be patience. Instead of being nervous about what the future holds, be patient. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, finish school, or even waiting for the right relationship, stay focused, and trust that […]

I really can’t stop laughing though! Apparently Peanut was supposed to lay a verse with Neef Buck on his new mixtape “Forever Do Me 6” but there were some issues! See what they were below! LOL

Patience is the ability to count down before you blast off. ~Author Unknown Before you speak, have your facts together. Before you respond in anger, give yourself some time to calm down and think logically. A small amount of patience can save you a large amount of regret.

With so many people focused on dieting and being fit in the new year, I thought I would share this article by Gabrielle Johnson, a weight loss advocate.