
Australian actor Devon Terrell stars in "Barry," the Netflix film about Barack Obama as a 20-year-old undergraduate at Columbia University, grappling with his identity as a mixed-race kid from Honolulu and Indonesia.

Entertainment News

As his last days in office unfortunately come to a close, it’s safe to say that President Barack Obama’s legacy has been firmly cemented in the minds and hearts of many. However before he officially surrenders the keys to the White House, he and FLOTUS Michelle may want to have a movie date courtesy of […]

President Obama answers questions about his successor. He avoids criticism and expresses hope that Trump adjusts his temperament.


Saturday Night Live has a legacy of making stars into superstars and breaking the news down to its rawest truth. This is especially true during election years, and after this past Saturday’s show, hosted for the first time by Dave Chappelle, Lorne Michaels needs to politely pass the keys to the kingdom to the comedy icon. […]

Entertainment News

The reality of the outcome of the recent presidential election has left many Americans feeling hopeless, helpless and disenfranchised, but that hasn’t stopped them from looking forward to the 2020 election. Social media was ablaze today with urging and pleas for current FLOTUS Michelle Obama to run for president in 2020. In fact during Hillary […]

Watch the outgoing POTUS talk the broken news media, marijuana legalization and religion, uncut on HBO.

President Barack Obama was reading mean tweets during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live when he came across a tweet from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, deeming him as the worst president in American history. But of course, Obama is never one to be caught without a classy clap-back. He promptly put the Donald in […]

Just when you thought Barack Obama couldn’t get any cooler, our beloved president teamed up with the folks at Wired to compile a list of his favorite sci-fi flicks. From Vulture: “The list, titled ‘TOMORROWLANDS, A Sci-Fi Viewing List to Expand Your Mind to New Horizons,’ has eight picks, with Obama’s explanations for each. His selections include ‘2001: […]

It has been almost 2 months since Colin Kaepernick first protested the National Anthem and more celebrates are taking a stance as well. S8 formally known as Shawn Stockman, of the legendary group Boyz II Men, understands the message behind the protest and wants to help enlighten others. Related:  T.I. Addresses War On Drugs & Mass Incarceration […]

A mayor of a small Pennsylvania town is under fire for racially derogatory Facebook posts directed at President Obama. He rejected calls to resign and denounced political correctness.