If President Barack Obama loses to Mitt Romney, minorities will lose out on a lot more than you may realize. Take a listen to Special…

Pictures of President Barack Obama show us how easy maintaining “bawse status” is (for him) when you’re kicking butt and taking names. The following pics will…

A 16 minute video worth watching! This short movie was directed by Academy Award winning director Davis Guggenheim and I can't find the actually posting but it sounds like Tom Hanks that is narrating. I appreciate our President!

Brent G. Dickinson, 33, of Saratoga Springs, New York is accused of threatening to assassinate President Barack Obama, reports Politico.com U.S. Secret Service and local authorities collaborated to arrest the man — who also stands accused of threatening to murder school children — after he posted two threatening comments on the White House message board. […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Taking a pass on reining in government growth, President Barack Obama unveiled a record $3.8 trillion election-year budget plan Monday, calling for…

If there is one person from history whose impact on the Black woman’s self-image rivals that of Oprah Winfrey, it is the hair mogul Madame…

Drake is serious about getting back into acting, and he’d even like to play President Barack Obama. During an interview at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, Drake stated: Why Rappers Love This Restaurant “I hope somebody makes a movie about Obama’s life soon because I could play him. That’s the goal. I watch all […]

President Obama’s State of the Union Address was both insightful and encouraging. I’m proud that this dude exists in Artie’s Universe!

 Vice President Joe Biden was in San Francisco speaking at an event in the Financial District in support of President Barack Obama’s re-election. He told supporters that “the Giants are on their way to the Super Bowl.” The V.P. confused the baseball team San Francisco Giants with the New York Giants who are playing the […]

As an ode to our president of the United States, we’ve put together a series of pictures with Barack Obama making one thing clear to all his haters…. YOU MAD! Check out the photos below….