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I love this little girl!!! Check out Willow Smith's new video!!!

“I tell a lot of people that I did a lot of pimping and ho’ing to get this film done,” says producer, writer and Director E. Raymond Brown, co-director of the film Ghetto Physics based on the book of the same name. The film explores concepts of power and hegemony in the context of the […]

Willow Smith and Sesame Streets have joined forces, creating the ultimate hair-loving anthem!

Rihanna was seen out and about in California this past weekend.

A new video game called “Enslaved” is being criticized for its racial undertones. In the Game a futuristic slave called “Monkey” protects a female who enslaves him. Kyle Harvey from the Grio writes: The protagonist is not decisively black (Monkey is more of a tan complexion), but does it matter? The premise alone raises enough […]

Former B2K star Omarion owes $110,585 in federal taxes to the IRS. The Detroit News' Tax Watchdog put the "Ice Box" singer on blast detailing his federal debts.

Last week, a YouTube video called “Black Marriage Negotiations” spread like a forest fire among the African-American middle class set. With posts on Facebook, Essence.com and many sites in between, the 3-minute-plus animated video, where a professional black woman dictates what she requires in a mate to a professional black man, has elicited strong reactions.

Nicki reportedly broke the news in a press release, stating that Diddy did not meet her standards.

Seal and Heidi Klum took their young ones to karate class over the weekend. The whole family came out for the outing.

The Huffington Post is reporting on rapper Common’s recent efforts with “Get Schooled” to promote education around the country. Here’s what he had to say: His mother worked tirelessly to ensure her son got a quality education beyond the classroom, filling his free time with museum visits and book reports. The hard work paid off […]

Drake, Rihanna, Trey Songz and Pitbull all appear in Kodak camera’s latest ad campaign, “So Kodak.” The celebrity spokespersons each recorded a solo commercial showing them enjoying the celebrity life in the studio, at a fashion show, after a performance, etc. Afterward, they send each other their photos using the Kodak M590’s “Share” button, which […]

The Radio One corporate staff teamed up with the DC Central Kitchen to give back to the community. Check out the photos here.