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“My first 9 to 5  job  was at Kinkos and I [got] them for as much as I could,” Skyzoo remembers grinning from behind his Mars Blackmon specs. “…Flyers, posters, CD covers and business cards. I definitely got what I needed besides the $6 per hour I was getting. ‘Skyzoo coming Soon’ flyers came courtesy of them.”

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The Brooklynite  born Gregory Skyler Taylor can laugh at it now, but there was a time when working a  regular job was a source of angst. Most MCS coming out today go through great pains to convince listeners that they’ve never had it hard (and if they do it’s to justify undesirable behavior) but Sky has made his journey a critical aspect of his music.

His second solo album, A Dream Deferred , is both a reminder of what he has overcome to get this far and a celebration of his accomplishments. Growing up around the corner from the late Notorious B.I.G. and now living a few minutes from  Jay-Z’s Barclay’s Center it’s hard to argue his drive. Examples of excellence are too close to ignore.

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“Anytime somebody has a dream they never think about not making it or not achieving it,” he reasons. “When you have a dream all you can think about is how beautiful the pot of gold will be at the end.  When you dream you dream big, as  if you already did it.”

But there there have been bumps along the way. The dream festers a bit and crusts over. Before Sky was bending ears with his internal rhyme couplets he was an average guy working at Morgan Stanley trying to make two nickels to rub together.  In this clip for Sky tells us about the events that informed one of his most personal records, “For What It’s Worth” (from his 2009 debut “The Salvation”) where he recounts what almost lead him to sell drugs.

“bein honest, left never looked so right/And that corner never looked so bright..” -Skyzoo, “For What It’s Worth”


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One Rapper Remembers His Decision Not To Sell Drugs [VIDEO]  was originally published on