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Whoopi Goldberg actually defended Mel Gibson and his racist comments on The View. She said she knew him personally and that Mel was drunk and a bonehead but not a racist. I guess Whoopi…*side eye* Here is the conversation from The View

Whoopi: I don’t like what he did here, but I know Mel and I know he’s not a racist… He may be a bonehead… I have had a long friendship with Mel…

You can say he’s being a bonehead but I can’t sit and say that he’s a racist having spent time with him in my house with my kids. I can’t say it and so I really just need to say that. I don’t like what he’s done. Make no mistake…

Joy: Do you think he’s anti-semitic?

Whoopi: I think he’s an a**hole (covers mouth, audio is silent)

Joy: Somebody says to a police officer, “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” That’s not anti-semitic?

Whoopi: Drunks say stupid stuff to people all the time because they’re drunk. They’re out of control. They are not thinking they are idiotic. That’s why I don’t like alcohol. I can’t say anything about that because I know what people are like when they’re drunk. This rant, I don’t think he’s drunk on this rant…

Joy: A lot of people drink and don’t say those things.