
Life is the sum of all your choices. ~Albert Camus Everything you have and everything you don’t have is a result of the decisions you’ve made. It’s easy to blame someone for the challenges we face but remember, nothing and no one can come into your life without your permission. Unfortunate circumstances will arise, but […]

What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. ~Abraham Lincoln Sometimes when you talk too much, you attract unwanted attention. Don’t ruin your rep by being too boastful. There’s no need to brag about your accomplishments. Instead, let your work can speak for itself.

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. ~Author Unknown Sometimes we stop pursuing a dream without realizing how close we were to the finish line. No matter how challenging things may get, persevere and keep moving down the path of success! Don’t get distracted by temptations along the way, success only […]

“Don’t pray for lighter burdens, pray for a stronger back.” – Anon Sometimes we pray to God to take difficult situations away, not realizing that those experiences are actually making us stronger and preparing us for bigger things to come. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Instead of focusing on the difficulty of […]

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world…”-Anon Never underestimate the power of your influence. Take advantage of every opportunity to do good. You could be making a bigger impact on someone’s life than you think. And here’s how you can help a great program right […]

If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow. ~Chinese Proverb Cemeteries and prisons are filled with people who couldn’t control their anger. When things get heated, you must practice self-control. This weekend (December 1st), we had to hear about a very tragic situation out of Kansas […]

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  ~Steve Jobs So many people wear a disguise just to live up to expectations of others. Make sure you are not one of these people. Time is something that cannot be replaced, so don’t waste it pretending to be someone you are not. […]

  “Dreams need wings AND landing gear.” – Author Unknown In the game of life, there are 2 types of people, players and spectators. And if you don’t have a plan to turn your dream into reality, you’ll be sitting in the stands watching as everyone else lives out their dreams. Its not enough to […]

If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang. ~Charley Reese All of the hate that you put out in the world, comes right back to you. Envy and jealousy injures YOU more than the person you hate. You gain nothing from hating others, you only […]

“If you want to be great, you have to be a student of great people” – Q Deezy You’re a product of your environment and the people you spend time with the most will have a major influence on your life. Don’t waste energy on people who aren’t taking you closer to your dreams. Instead, […]

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” ~ Anon When you project a negative image on someone, that’s how you will always see them. Never judge a person until you have walked in their shoes. Instead, force yourself to find the good in people because it is there. Remember, if you want someone to […]

“Life is the sum of all your choices.”-Albert Camus Everything you have and every experience you’ve attracted into your life is a result of the choices you’ve made. You have to live with your choices, whether good or bad. Choose the people and situations that empower you, not pull you down. Life is the sum […]