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AOL BUILD Series: Wendy Williams

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty

There’s a rumor that Wendy Williams husband, Kevin Hunter, has been creeping for more than a decade!

Wendy has been pretty open about the fact that her husband had an affair years ago, but The Daily Mail reports that he’s been keeping another mistress for quite some time.

Supposedly, Kevin has been involved with a 32-year-old massage therapist named Sharina Hudson for at least 10 years!

According to reports, he splits his time between Sharina and Wendy because, as a source familiar with the situation said, he’s “in love” with both of them.

“Kevin is with Sharina three or four times a week, often staying over,” the insider dished. “They go to the gym together, they go out to restaurants together as if they’re a normal couple.”

They added, “But then he goes home to Wendy as if everything is normal there, too. He’s living a double life.”

Most recently, Kevin and Sharina were spotted out together right after he and Wendy returned from their latest beach vacation.

And that’s not all: Sharina has a house just nine miles down the road from the home he shares with Wendy and their son. The Daily Mail reports that had been staying in Kevin’s apartment 30 miles from his place with Wendy since 2015. Neighbors were familiar with them as a couple, and reporters for the Daily Mail spotted them running errands. However, Sharina has since moved closer to Kevin, and pictures show that his name is on the mailbox.

Although Kevin has brought the situation closer to Wendy, he and Sharina go out on dates.

“Kevin and Sharina do go out in public together, there’s a steakhouse Kevin likes to go to, but they mainly stay in the house and hang out,” the insider said, revealing how they keep their relationship a secret in public.

“Kevin isn’t a touchy-feely person so you’d never see them kissing or hugging in public and if they ever see anybody she knows the drill, he introduces her as his sister.”

They summed it up, stating, “Kevin has pretty much trained her so she knows what to do.”


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Hot Topic: Wendy Williams’ Husband Has A Long-Term Mistress (Allegedly)  was originally published on