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During the first episode of SNL post the 2016 election, Dave Chappelle hosted and wrapped his monologue with, “So, in that spirit, I’m wishing Donald Trump luck and I’m going to give him a chance. And we, the historically disenfranchised, demand that he give us one, too.”

Being the first person to say give President Donald Trump a chance nationally came with a lot of backlash, but that tends to come with anything in 2017.

Now, after just over four months of having President Trump in office, Dave seems to have changed his mind. During the a dinner benefiting Robin Hood, the nonprofit organization that fights poverty in New York City, Chappelle did a set in which he said, “I was the first guy on TV to say ‘Give Trump a chance.’ I f***ed up. Sorry.”



You’re forgiven Dave. Everyone says silly things every now and then.