The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others. ~Author Unknown Before you condemn someone, be sure you are living according to your own beliefs. No one respects a hypocrite. So, be sure you are willing to take the same advice you give to others…

When you aim for perfection, you discover it’s a moving target.  ~George Fisher Striving for excellence will keep you motivated but striving for perfection will demoralize you. Why? Because “perfection” is an infinite process. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Instead, focus on being the best person you can be and you’ll find the fulfillment […]

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ~Wayne Dyer Don’t let “timing” prevent you from pursuing your dream. Instead, seize the moment, because time is something that none of us are promised. Time is something you can’t get back; don’t waste it delaying your dream. Make the most of the moment […]

When you blame others, you give up your power to change. ~Author Unknown For the most part, the person complaining contributes more to the problem than the solution. Often times, we get mad at a situation but fail to take responsibility for how we got there. When you blame, you give away your power to […]

Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. – Jim Rohn The choices you make in life will produce either rewards or regrets. A BIG part of being successful is simply having the focus and discipline to follow through with what you started. Discipline can be hard, […]

It is far more impressive when others discover you good qualities without your help. – Author Unknown There’s no need to brag when your work speaks for itself. Remember, successful people don’t just talk, they “do.” Be humble and let your actions serve as proof of your good character.

“Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.” ~Harold Coffin No matter how much we don’t want to admit it, most of us have struggled with some form a jealousy in our lives. To me, jealousy is simply the fear of not being able to attain the same success […]

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. – Ambrose Bierce If you’re mad, frustrated or angry, it is best to hold your tongue and calm down BEFORE you speak. People have ruined relationships, careers and opportunities because they couldn’t control their anger. If you want to […]

Don’t find fault. Find a Remedy. – Henry Ford Now, it IS important acknowledge where you messed up, but don’t dwell on your mistakes for too long. If you want to grow, you have to focus more on solutions than problems. Pointing fingers is a waste of time because in the end, it doesn’t help […]

Happiness is an inside job – William Arthur Ward True joy comes from within. If you depend on someone or something else to make you happy, you will be disappointed every time. First, learn to love yourself, then you’ll naturally attract the happiness you seek.

We find comfort among those who agree with us, growth among those who don’t – Frank A. Clark Learn the difference between hate and help. Believe it or not, not everyone is out to get you. Honest criticism is designed to help you, not hurt you. So, instead of getting defensive when someone tries to […]

You can throw in the towel or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face. – Author Unknown Pain is temporary but quitting is permanent. No matter how hard it gets, don’t give up. Remember why you started and use that as inspiration to keep going!