TVOne & RadioOne in conjunction with Edison Research did some extensive research on race relations in America. Researches spent time polling and interview Americans to find out their views on the most controversial racially-centered topics of our time: police, the presidential race, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Their findings were recently published in a […]

A letter filled with white powder was mailed to the Manhattan home of Donald Trump's son, Eric.

"I couldn’t do this if the family wasn’t ready," Biden said as he spoke on the White House lawn.

Fiorina isn't immune to critique from last night's performance, but it's very likely that her approval ratings will go up from the second GOP debate.

When Mitt Romney said he enjoys firing people, many Americans were shocked. How could a presidential candidate say such a thing, especially in THIS economy? But kids know better. Firing people is fun; most of us are just too afraid to admit it…lol