A racist anti-Obama sticker as appeared on the back a some vehicles in the south. The sticker read “Don’t Re-Nig In 2012,” playing off the presidents race as a negative aspect of his campaign. We think its downright offensive and tasteless to use a pun which refers to the president as the N-word, so we […]

Common was in the studio last week and we asked him about his dealings with the President Barack Obama. He talked about his visit to the White House and what he thought Obama had to do to win the 2012 election. Obama 2012 is something that is very important to Common and he proved it […]

A few weeks ago on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, he joked that the recent Republican Presidential debates doubled as campaign ads for Barack Obama. While the comedic media can have fun joking about the incompetence of the Republican effort to dethrone Obama, the reality is they’re not too far from the truth. The […]