If The Donald is real enough to oblige, we have a few more musical suggestions that could help re-define his already tarnished presidency and maybe, just maybe, make America great for once.

There's no nicer way to say it – these celebrities are very into themselves.

Despite all the drama happening in their lives, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian couldn't miss a holiday photo-op.

Has Kanye West taken some style inspiration from Dennis Rodman?

Chance the Rapper is breaking the mold as a stream-only artist who gives away his music for free. In addition to being recognized by the Grammys, many of music’s biggest names love his innovation, including ‘Ye, Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, and more. Clearly not your average rapper, Chance sat down with ABC’s Robin Roberts to explain […]

We all know by now that Kanye West answers to no one, but people can't help but think about what his wife Kim Kardashian is feeling right now.

Entertainment News

“I think Black people, particularly young Black people have a love-hate thing with Kanye. He seems to have devolved from the Kanye who stood before us and said, ‘George Bush doesn’t care about Black people.’ Remember that Kanye?” — Kierna Mayo, SVP of Brands and Content, Interactive One https://twitter.com/JosiahRyan/status/808895176441733120 Kanye West was trending on social […]

The rapper explained in his tweets that he think's it is "important to have a direct line of communication with our future President."