In the spirit of nostalgia, check out these TV shows that we'd love to see revived, remade, or rebooted.

Earlier today, the internet erupted with the idea that Disney was bringing back "Darkwing Duck" to TV with new episodes for the first time since 1992.

Our favorite childhood staples have been crushing our spirits for awhile, and quite frankly, we’re sick of it. Bill Cosby ruined The Cosby Show for…

As little girls watching TV, it was a riot seeing Susie Carmichael because she looked just like us: brown skin and her black hair in braids,…

Archive Photos/Getty Remember what life was like growing up when there were no worries except making sure you got home before the street lights came on? Well, I created a list of topics for you to reminisce on your childhood memories. Consider the time when life’s most devastating problems consisted of teachers assigning homework on […]

If there’s anything you need to do with your life today, it’s watch the trailer for the upcoming fall Adult Swim show, “Mike Tyson Mysteries.”…

Warner Bros. is preparing for the limited release of a collection of controversial racist cartoons that were pulled from syndication in 1968.

'Ye gets animated for his "Heartless" music video.