
Unless you’ve been hiding from tech blogs and Apple fanboys/girls, you probably already know that today is the world-wide store release of the iPad 2. We even predicted what you stand to gain from the iPad 2 besides bragging rights. Standing at 8mm thin and 1.3 lbs, its sleek design makes it one of the […]

Michael Charles, whose gospel music career spanned five decades, died Wednesday at age 64. The longtime educator had liver cancer. Charles was a highly respected leader and pioneer among gospel artists in Kansas City’s African-American community. He also performed with nationally known artists such as the Rev. James Cleveland, the Mighty Clouds of Joy and […]

8.9 earthquake struck Japan triggering a Tsunami alert. Heartfelt prayers are being sent to those involved in this disaster.  Here is some of the prayers that have been reported on the internet.  Please feel free to share your prayers in the comment section below. ( The massive earthquake and the resulting tsunami that hit Japan […]

Nursing a hangover can be a pain. And while the tried-and-true cure is to simply wait until it passes (using sleep and water to aid it along), there are a few remedies that will speed up the process. Refinery29 has rounded up the top 3: Drinkwel Developed by two doctors (specifically for partygoers), Drinkwel is […]

In the past, the role of moms in society has been focused on the children and house chores. Moms are expected to take the responsibility of looking after the children while also contributing to the betterment of the family. The rat race in which human beings are involved in these days suggests, she cannot only […]

In this tough economic climate, more and more moms are trying to find avenues to supplement their income. But even in these tough times the opportunity to earn extra income from home is alive and well. As a work at home mom you have the capability of creating your own stimulus package without depending on […]

Bishop Long has begun his forty days of reflection and penance early by taking a pay cut and beginning mediation.

There are a number of reasons that explain the recent trend towards moms choosing to operate a home business, many of which are discussed throughout this article. In particular, the opportunity to be your own boss presents many lifestyle benefits such as more time and flexibility to improve work and balance life, While high income […]

From entertaining us with the gossip of the day on her talk show to gracing the masses with her wacky personality and infectious laugh at plenty ‘o industry events, Wendy Williams is no stranger to pushing her gams to the limit. But even us regular folk need a reprieve from the stress that walking can put on our legs […]

Moms are rediscovering the benefits of working at home,  they are opting out of the rat race to spend more time with their families and take a more proactive part in raising their children.


Little miss Willow Smith continues to amaze me with her cute style and amazing personality. To follow up from her banging first single, “Whip My Hair”, the youngest Smith child is set to debut her brand new single this upcoming Monday on the Oprah show. We hear the video for the single has already been […]