News One Exclusives

Although still on the radar, the spotlight pointed on the shooting death of Michael Brown and the events that followed in Ferguson, Mo., have noticeably…

Former Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce (pictured) is now also former vice chair to the Arizona Republican Party, after making the mistake of exposing just…

News One Exclusives

        I met Ray Rice in 2012. It was at an event that was held for Ambassadors of Hope — a campaign…

  Two years ago, President Barack Obama, days after a surprise visit to Kabul, stood boldly and declared that “the tide of war has turned…

News One Exclusives

Growing up, AmaRece Davis (pictured) didn’t have the most-positive outlook. In fact, it was the same outlook as most of the young men in Homewood,…

Whenever I want to give up on humanity and manage to avoid a conversation with family, I can always count on the Internet to renew…

  It’s always interesting to see what minor infractions select police officers decide to enforce and to what extent. While I can admittedly attest to the…

If you asked the average Black person about the state of racism in America, you’ll likely be greeted with boos, hisses, eye rolls, and four-letter…

I’m as excited over the prospects of casting a vote for Hillary Clinton for president as I am being given a pedicure with a butcher’s knife. Clinton…

When you shoot and kill an unarmed Black teenager, you can expect the racists of America to crack their piggy banks open and reward you…

Joe Raedle / Getty Staff   To Protect and Serve” is the common slogan associated with police officers, yet, if you were to poll many African Americans on the police, protecting and serving wouldn’t be their first answer to describe them. Regardless of the relationship between the two, its almost easy to say, Black people […]

While I can appreciate Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R) (pictured) not agreeing with Ferguson Mayor James Knowles’ foolish claims that “there is not a racial…