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J.R. Smith is a NBA champion. Let that sink in.

J.R. has had a rocky NBA career as a Denver Nugget, and especially as a New York Knick. But as the New Jersey native made his way to the Cleveland Cavaliers two seasons ago, everything seemed to click.

Under the tutelage of LeBron James, J.R. has not only matured but has become a phenomenal role player. So after the historic win Sunday night, J.R.’s post-game press conference was one of the most emotional we’ve ever seen. While the victory means a lot to LeBron and to his city, it also represents all of the hardships that J.R. has overcome in order to hoist that Larry O’Brien Trophy.

As J.R. sat behind the mic, he poured his heart out, saying how much he appreciates his family, and with it being Father’s Day, he gave a special shout-out to his own father, Earl Smith, Jr.

While J.R. has been the subject of many jokes over the past few years due to his partying ways and bad-boy image, it’s nice to see him come out on top.

Read a transcript of J.R.’s speech below or watch the touching video up top.

SOURCE: The Huffington Post | IMAGE CREDIT: Getty


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Watch J.R. Smith’s Emotional Post-Game Press Conference  was originally published on